In preparing, less than a month ago, to move here to Maine, from Florida, I emptied out the old chest, homemade, handmade for me as a gift upon completing my Master's in Theology, 1987, in New Orleans, LA. I drew from it, again, as many times over the years, a quilt my late mom made for me. This quilt has moved many times with me over the past decades. Some call it a patchwork quilt. One quilt, many segments. Mom had pieced this together, patches of varied color and design. Each section is unique, only so for being related to every other segment. It is one and many, so are we. We are so patchwork, we are dependent. Dependency is not popular in my culture, is treated like an emotionally immature state and independence as the height of maturity. Not so, however. One is more mature who knows how to honor his or her dependency, indeed know himself or herself as being who and what he or she is due to that relationship-with that makes dependency our natural estate, not only with other humans, with all nature. Some will use "interdependent" and not "dependent." Well, look at that closely. See, "inter," or whatever, "dependent" remains, for it cannot be escaped regardless of how denied. Without trees, how would you breathe?
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As the Sun appears more glorious, being set within the contrast of the sky, and one note of music given its specialness by the notes of the entire song, so we each are in relation to the other, to all others. Spirit adorns itself within and as otherness. We each stand out in the sacredness of our particularity, thanks to the particularities that surround us. This means, you are more glorious, not less, for the contrasts in which you are in communion by nature. To love any aspect of the otherness is to love all, to love Grace, who graces us with this diversity to learn the power and beauty of Love.
that we are not alike in our person "make-up" means only we are different not separate
Grace chooses this Tapestry of Difference
not to negate oneness but to play as oneness
what we do not share alike does not detract from oneness it highlights, through those differences, what we all share in common
looked at in one way the Tapestry is all in disarray, a mess seen in another the Tapestry is absolutely Harmonious and Lovely
You have done this, my Beloved ~ You are This And I rejoice!
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